Subtle Stripes

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Nine Lives of Chloe King: Responsible

For the first half of this episode, I handled myself pretty well, what with my parents constantly coming in my room, hassling me, nagging me. I didn't emit much of a response after the beginning credit/theme other than losing myself in the fantasy until the middle of the episode. And amusement at Alek going to Paul. I'm liking Paul's humor. It really helps ease all the developing craziness in the show.

Alek bringing Chloe flowers=Aww <3 . Even if they were stolen from the neighbor with a dog. And when Meredith came in, I figured Alek would've escaped out the window not hide by the bed! Idiot! He's just begging for trouble! lol It was so funny that he found her diary/journal looking thing and proceeded to read through it right in front of Chloe knowing she couldn't do a Ha! I could just see her chasing him around for that book. Anyways, to add to the comedy, Meredith would...not...leave. So great! lol I wonder what the excuse would've been if he got caught. ;)

Why doesn't Chloe like talking about Alek? Is it because she's still on the fence? I'm getting tired of her stringing both guys along. Or maybe that's my frustration from the books rolling in.

When Brian hit Alek for grabbing Chloe, it was Alek who Chloe was defending. She put herself between the two and told off Brian. Alek was a good boy and listened to Chloe when she told him to stop. I didn't miss the smirk Alek showed when Chloe demanded Brian leave. Aww sweet, sweet victory. The way he grabbed her wasn't like he was manhandling her, was it? To me it looked like a normal "we have to get our butts out of here NOW" touch. I didn't see anything wrong with it. And when someone touches you and says we have to go, you know stuff's about to go down.

Anyone else freak out with the fight at the dock? I freaked a little when Alek got knocked on the head. When Chloe found the cargo with Vanessa and the others, beat the guys, and opened the door, I literally screamed "CHLOE DON'T YOU DARE GO IN--" and the door closed. Classic, classic moves. And then they went to commercial and I angrily paced my room trying to figure out what would happen next. Jasmine wasn't coming. Valentina was out of town. Alek was temporarily incapacitated. Maybe Chloe would break down the door? Didn't any girls have cell phones? If Alek hadn't magically heard Chloe, I don't see how they would've gotten out of the mess. Unless when they opened the door, Chloe made a mad dash.

Was it me or was Chloe calling out to Alek, who was unconscious mind you, and he suddenly hearing her a bit cheesey? That was a nice clonk on the head he received.

It was so stupid of Chloe to offer to go with Brian to find G-ma. Actually her still seeing him claiming to be "just friends" is stupid! They went on two dates this episode (they weren't official dates, but they so were dates), and Chloe and Alek have yet to go on one. :( And I really don't think that's happening next week with her about to kiss Brian and all. I hope she does, but you know it'll never happen. Darn.

I must admit, Brian is getting a bit interesting with his G-ma and mom. (Seriously is Chloe Brian's only "friend?") However, Brian's character is lacking. He has the brow of a brooder and his personality isn't all that exciting. I still don't see any spark between Chloe and Brian. How would one even describe him? I keep coming up blank.

I KNEW ZANE COULDN'T BE TRUSTED!! Oh yeah...that's because I know next week's description.

Sure, just as something positive happens in Jasmine's life, it turns out to be a lie. I'm glad Jasmine is getting more of a storyline, though. Mother issues and now boy problems. It was refreshing seeing her so excited in the beginning. I'm still really interested in her character. She has so many layers I can't predict how she'd react in some situations. She's tough, but understanding. She goes with her gut, but she still follows rules. She has amazing focus and kicks butt, but is still distracted by boys.

Since the target audience is teenagers, I really found the big message of this episode splendid! Be careful of who you meet on the Internet. Alerting viewers to human trafficking and the potential harm in meeting someone online is really an issue in today's world of technology. It's really typical and serious and all the victims don't believe that harm will come to them.

So...will Alek and Chloe ever go on a date?

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Nine Lives of Chloe King: Dogs of War and Other was kind of bored I, er, wrote this...

Skyler Samuels is definitely comfortable acting around Colton Haynes (yes because they were both in The Gates, am I correct?). I mean, there was this atmosphere between the two that was just, I don't know, they made each other better actors...

Alek is so protective of Chloe. He pinned her to the ground to prevent her from getting hurt or involved with the Jackal. I wouldn't mind being in her position. ;) She looked kind of pissed about it afterwards, too. That's overprotective Alek for you. He wants to keep Chloe safe, not just because she's the Uniter, but because he feels for her.

When Alek was talking about how Jackals reek, it made me wonder why couldn't Chloe smell Kai? Is it part of being the Uniter?

With all the lines Paul had this episode, seems he is just comic relief, which is nice because it adds humor to the show, but sad because that's all his character is doing atm. Are he and Amy back together or friends again who made up?

Chloe: Really you shouldn't worry about me so much.
Alek: I can't help it. It's what I'm supposed to do.
Written down it looks like it means that he's doing his job, but when acted out by the fabulous Benjamin Stone, he looked so vulnerable that you know he means it in a different way. Chloe is so blinded by her frustration with Alek's lack of support for her ideas that she can't see that he seriously cares for her. From her perspective, he's being difficult, but from his, she is being reckless. Oh the joys of love.

I can't get over how awesome Chloe's outfits are! The wardrobe department really knows how to work layers and scarves on Skyler.

The mother-daughter bonding--talking about Brian before school--really shows how close of a relationship Meredith and Chloe have with each other. And Meredith's date, Frank, is such a sweetheart! Coming in, bringing coffee for both girls, washing his coffee-covered hands before shaking Chloe's, very nice! Happy storyline there! Probably prepping us for the ending with mommy that was supposed to be emotional and help the characters grow.

We need more background info on Jackals. Those definitely weren't in the books.

At Mai Headquarters aka Valentina's uber clean and not-so-private penthouse, it was...interesting how, when Amy told of Chloe's situation, Alek brightened up, but reigned it in because he was obviously concerned for Chloe's feelings. He was happy she dumped Brian, but a bit sad that she was sad.
And from that, how could Amy tell Alek liked Chloe? I mean, he just looked concerned. Was it his clear disdain towards the whole human-Mai dating thing and only focusing on Chloe in it all? And to add to it, Alek never denied that he likes Chloe. He just kind of looked away. And when his feelings were getting found out, "No, no website!" he was upset or frustrated (Jealous? Wanting Chloe to himself?) by Paul's comments and attempts to help Chloe find a new guy.

I couldn't tell if Kai was faking it in the alley when he was talking about how he was told the Mai would rip his heart out. If he was told that, how did he figure he could get close to Chloe to help get him back home?
Kai doesn't look like his family. For someone who's supposed to be constantly on the run, he's not that dirty. The only tear in his clothes was the scratch on his arm from the Mai hunters. I think his hat played most of that technically-homeless part for him. lol
When Chloe was handing over the towel and pointing out the shower, I don't blame her for assuming Kai didn't know what a shower was "...smell of unwashed boy." The look on Kai's face was clueless, but he was just playing his role? Or he was surprised at the Uniter's helpfulness, the fact that her mom isn't Mai, and that this Mai girl wasn't ripping his heart out?
Upon second viewing, I have no idea how I missed the serious face Kai made when Chloe left the room. He went from grateful hobo to careful plotter.

Frank's daughter, who we will be meeting in two episodes, must be one of those preteens if she says "TMI" in normal conversations.
Meredith reminds me of a teenager or someone in her twenty's the way she talks about boys. Is that normal for some single moms?

Amy is so cool! "I brought some Gosling. As in Ryan." She is so supportive and watches out for her friend. Bringing over a movie with a hot guy in it. Soooo sweet! Perfect "let's get you over this guy" stuff. It's as though all the drama from the previous episodes--both of them not spending enough time with each other and getting upset--never happened.
Kai. In the closet. With cute!! I think they'd make a good couple!
And Kai shirtless...yummm! We need more of that on the show!!
What does happen if a Jackal kisses a human? #somethingtothinkabout

Haha Alek is freaking out because Chloe is so...irresponsible. Befriending a Jackal is rather naive, but also the right thing to do. I just wish Chloe wouldn't be so quick to take him in, no questions asked.

Valentina is relentless leader. Once again, a bit heartless of Valentina to assume all Jackals are bad. This goes to show how there is hope for the second generation. The children are questioning why they're fighting some ancient feud. I don't mean for it to sound like there is the possibility of hope. No, there is hope. It's the same with Brian's dad and "all Mai must be destroyed" bit. They all need to watch The Fox and the Hound. Or realize they're acting kind of racist.

Everyone seems to have to read The Great Gatsby for school.

Meredith and Chloe have such an easy going relationship. They could be like best friends only one has authority over the other.
And when it came to the dad issue, "I don't want things to change between us." Seeing the struggle of a single mother torn between dating and clinging to the past and maintaining the relationship with her daughter seems pretty realistic. Reminds us that this show isn't all supernatural.

I'd say Alek and Chloe/Ben and Skyler have the most chemistry. They must have gotten to be good friends outside the show based on what they say on Twitter and that video from last week. I would even go as far as to say they might've considered dating were Ben Stone not to already in a relationship. >:O

Is Amy playing matchmaker for Chloe or is she doing this so she can "be happy." She's the one who first pointed out Alek's feelings. And she was the one obsessed with him from the first episode. So is she "talking about it [Brian] obsessively" because she wants to find a loophole for Chloe and giving her a "there must be a way" thing or rubbing it in so Chloe can get together with Alek and be happy in a Mai relationship where they can do the normal things like kiss.
"I'm just saying it's something you should think about." <--When Amy said that concerning Chloe dating Alek, I wish we could've seen Chloe's reaction. Good job Amy for planting the seed!! Chloe wasn't entirely opposed to the idea, though! Chloe keeps misjudging Alek. She's harsh on him because he's too protective of her. When she yelled at him for revealing the location of the Jackals--which he didn't do--she failed to think through that the Mai couldn't have gotten to where they were going before them, you know? No one except for Kai really knew where they were going until they got there. It took them an hour to get to the Warehousey thing, so unless there were some Mai secretly following them the ENTIRE way, there is no way some Mai warriors could've made it over so fast AND already have launched an attack if they were texted. By the way, where did Kai's backpack go that he had the night before? When grungy daddy and brother Jackals appeared at the tarp/fence entrance, did daddy shout, "Go get them," or "Go hurt them," to the fleeing Paul and Amy? And let me get this straight, Jackals don't mind hurting humans? So the Mai are evil why? Alek is truly a gentleman by keeping his word. Or just because it was Chloe. Gotta love the Brits!! The fights were really cool. Sweet stunts. Though the camera seemed to be moving a bit too fast for me to be able to see what was happening the entire time. That warehouse would be perfect for a haunted house. The way Alek jumped in and tried to keep the bad guy away from Chloe was very cliche, but we don't get tired of it nonetheless. The heartthrob saving the damsel in distress. IMO, Chloe could've been more upset about Alek getting pummeled. "Let him go. Let them all go. I'm the only one you care about." had the most emotion from her yelling. Was it me or was she looking a bit teary? Otherwise, "Alek!" and "You're killing him" were just...shouts. Or maybe they just sounded that way because she was shocked and didn't know what to do? What a BEATING that boy took for her. Poor baby. What a guy! Can't Chloe muster up more emotion for the guy who just saved her lives? I wonder if this is the point in which Chloe . This guy, who had warned her how stupid and reckless it was to get involved with Jackals, who spoke of how dangerous Jackals were, whose job it was to protect, then pretty much is putting his life on the line to save his girl. Instead of trying to free her from the two smaller Jackals, he goes for the biggest threat to Chloe's lives. He wasn't trying to prove anything, just save her. Going with his instinct (which just so happens to be the reason Chloe justifies her actions that she somehow manages to survive most of the time).
So Alek needed support from Chloe and Jasmine on the way out, but at the end he comes out of the Warehousey place on his own. And then when they leaned on each other--so adorable, boyfriend-girlfriend style--Amy, Paul, and Jasmine just watched. Yeah, they're suspecting something going on! In the pic, they're HOLDING HANDS. Aww.

When Jasmine took the blame for the failed Jackal attack and explained later to Alek, we get more drama! More sides to Jasmine than just the calm, confident person she's been. There's angst with her and her mom. Jasmine seems so lonely, but okay with it, which would explain her excellent fighting skills.

And yet again, Alek looks away at the mention of his feelings for Chloe. I wonder how long Jasmine has known as she is quite intuitive.

The red folder is revealed! Chloe was obviously torn at the end because she has so many secrets from her mom and doesn't want her obviously not dead dad declared dead. How's that for alliteration?
What a mom, "we have to do this together." Sometimes it seems she's not really a mom. More friend-like again. Or a really awesome mom who values her sixteen-year-old daughter's opinions. But then again, Chloe is sixteen so does that make her mom a little naive as well?

Is Alek realizing his feelings? "Alek, what's wrong?" The no answer had me concerned. And then he declares the line that would "make Facebook explode" (said by someone who did something the show): "We belong together." And he KISSES HER!!!
For a second, I thought Alek was going to leave when Chloe didn't respond to the kiss right away. Then she leaned in for another taste of him and even giggled.
Big step for their relationship! And Chloe finally positively responding after being so ignorant.
For Alek this kiss shows how he's glad she's alive and explains why he's so worried about her. Chloe should be realizing the aforementioned and facing facts: it's better for her to be with a Mai guy. One could also bring the hate-turned-love aspect into it from TVD as well as her thanking Alek for being willing to save her no matter what happens.
After this episode, Chloe should be saying "Brian who?"

All TNLOCK episodes should be just like this one. Not just because Brian wasn't in it and it was an Alek-centric episode, but because there was so much plot, twists and turns, proper drama, action, character development, and no one can forget that kiss at the end. Not one, but TWO. It was a very fast-moving, exciting episode. It has set up so much for the rest of the season. It left us cheering (if you like Chalek) at the end and wanting more. It left us with many questions. But as we all know, what goes up, must come down. So I'm worried about the favorite couple.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Nine Lives of Chloe King: When You Wish Upon A Green Star

For centuries we have been fascinated with Egyptian culture. From the pyramids to mummies to the now the rare, lithe, and sly Mai from The Nine Lives of Chloe King, we cease to lose interest in Egypt's history. Three episodes into the show has me aching to buy the book because I want to know more. One forty-four minute dose once a week isn't enough.

Though the show has captured my attention, tonight's events have also irritated me enough to write.

I'll be blunt--as I often am: Chloe thinking she could take on Scarface by herself was stupid. Stupid, overused, and cliche. If anyone knows anything from watching television, more specifically when the main character's close someone is threatened to be kidnapped or actually kidnapped, it's that one does not go into things alone. Chloe should have called for backup or told what's her face what was happening and she could've contacted her mother, the leader, who could have quickly organized a plan of attack.

Second complaint: Brian is such a Robert Pattinson look-a-like. The hair, the jacket, and the appearance of having a mustache and beard have got to go. Especially the hint of beard because it makes Brian look twenty-five.

NOTE: Brian should look more like this picture! He looks so much more natural and it suits his character better. He doesn't look super old in it either.
The whole cutesy romance between Chloe and Brian was entertaining in the beginning, but Chloe needs to mature and understand that she could unintentionally kill him. Can she really expect to have a normal relationship with him if they cannot kiss? Plus, Brian may pull a fast one on her and take matters into his own hands by kissing her himself, therefore paralyzing or killing himself. Based on how fast Brian wants to move (i.e. "I feel like kissing you right now."), I think the previous statement would happen. Going off of kissing and relationships, Chloe and Brian have as much chemistry as a goat and a rock. She likes him and he likes her, but they don't have the connection that I see with Chloe and another. I will admit, however, the purpose of the series is to "unite" the Mai and humans again and there is no better way to do it than Romeo and Juliet style with a forbidden romance. Son of the man who appears to be in charge of exterminating the Mai and the long-awaited Mai, the Uniter, herself. There's nothing better than children of the elite/important to come together and solve a crisis, though hopefully there won't involve too much death.

I don't know if it's that I'm a sucker for British accents, but I see more potential and hidden fires between Alek and Chloe. When Alek so suavely appeared in Chloe's room and made himself comfortable, it was so obvious he was sweet on her. The ending scene between the two made me "Awww" when he said he waited at her house, guarding the mum, because she asked him. I can see her one episode finally realizing she likes him back. They have the "you've been there for me and I'm just realizing it now and I-I-like, maybe even love, you for that" relationship.

Regarding Jasmine, I so saw close friendship just waiting to happen, especially when she stated how she eats popcorn when she's nervous. The mom talk was also heart-warming. I can't wait to see what happens between the two so long as Jasmine doesn't have to needlessly sacrifice herself. Besides, Chloe needs a friend of her own species; it makes things easier and Chloe will feel less alone and the weight of the world/being the uniter will be lessened from her shoulders.

My solution to Chloe's Brian problem and problem with threatening phone calls: take away the cell. Without her phone, Chloe cannot call Brian to make secret dates and Scarface--now dead?--cannot make threats that won't get held up.

Why is it, again, that Chloe can tell her two closest friends--one of which totally portrays the gossiper--of her secret, but not her mother? There would be fewer problems with the honesty issue and her mother would be more lenient and knowledgable instead of waking up one morning to find her precious, only (adopted) daughter dead with no explanation. Plus, the mother could have more protection and be understanding of certain boys in Chloe's bedroom.

It'd be nice to see more character development. Or should I say, it'd be nice to character development. Then again, it is just the beginning of the series, though, that's only a passing excuse. All I'm saying is please give the mom and two friends more purposes other than worrying and just waiting to be used as bait by the organization after them. Oh, and are the only powers Chloe has is speed, agility, claws, night-vision, and super-hearing? Maybe Alek could show her a few new pounces. ;)

I wish for a Chloe and Alek romance.
